703-344-3447 | info@mbmee.com

The trusted, proven billing technology for independent practices

Simplify your medical billing and maintain control of your practice.

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Comprehensive Agenda

Plan your agenda for accurate cloud based billing with Mbmee.

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Complete Patient Management

Manage patient demographics and generate precise reports.

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Reminder Notifications

Receive timely notifications and alerts on the patients waiting to be billed.

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Accurate Billing

Never miss a cycle and manage billing, processing and collection efficiently.

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Electronic Billing

Go paperless with the advanced and timely digital billing application.

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Billing Analytics

Built to maintain accurate patient reports and analytics.

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Billing Status

Generate monthly reports to manage revenue cycles effectively.

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Maximize Productivity

Maintain a smooth workflow with billing cycle reminders.

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Cloud Based Service

Effective billing application accessible across devices and platforms.

More than a way to go paperless.

Our trusted and proven billing application helps you manage processing, billing and collecting efficiently. Mbmee eliminates the never-ending trail of the ineffective paper billing process. It allows for at the time of service billing, facilitates for timely collection with inbuilt reminders and notifications and efficient revenue cycle management.

  • Cloud Based RCM
  • Patient Portal
  • Accurate Billing
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Reports
  • Reminders
Mac, iphone, ipad showing the medical billing software

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